- Complete PCI compliant Mobile POS solution; encrypted transactions from the card reader to m-POS app, to,
Estel PASS, to Bank switch
- Card readers supported: EMV (Chip & PIN )
- Bluetooth reader (EMV Level 1 & 2, PTS PCI certified, Paypass and Paywave)
- Simple & secure web based merchant registration & activation process
- Electronic signature capture
- Customized receipts on: email, SMS & print (via Bluetooth Printer)
- Real-time management of transactions, refunds and reports, via Merchant m-App software & Merchant Web &
Mobile Portal
- Support all card types: credit, debit ; Master Card and Visa
- Card processor independent, mobile network independent, device independent
For more details visit this URL : http://www.esteltelecom.com/mobile-point-of-sale-terminal.html